First of all, let's clarify a few words under the umbrella of prayer. Praying, Prayer & Fasting and Warfare are different in that: 

Praying is praising and worshipping God, lifting up our petitions and supplications.  It is that intimate time we have on a daily basis with our Father and Jesus through the Holy Spirit, it is part of the time we spend studying His Word.

Prayer and Fasting Is the abstaining from food for the purpose of focusing on God, relying on the Lord for wisdom and direction.  It's the Spiritual atomic bomb that our Lord has given us to destroy the strongholds of the evil one.

Warfare comes after we have spent intimate time with the Lord in prayer.  Warfare is taking up your weapons, (Ef.6) and fighting the enemy. (Contact us for more info)

The secret of a fruitful prayer life, is having a daily Intimate Love Relationship with Jesus Christ, the bride with the Bridegroom.  Without that intimate relationship, you cannot bare Spiritual fruit.

The Secret of Warfare is to identify and fight the spirit, controling the person BUT to love the person.  Remember:  You can never change anyone, because of their own will, BUT, praise The Lord, you can conquer, through the Blood of Jesus, the spirit that controls that person. Hallelujah!  There is always HOPE!!!!


1.  In order to make right with God, we have to bring out (acknowledge) and (utterly) destroy anything that causes us to be unclean, as well as those things that take(lead) our hearts away from God (Verse 4)

2.Burn them (the things the Holy Spirit showed us in #1), completely destroy them. (verse 4)

3. Remove people from your life who do not serve the Lord (verse 5)

4.Destroy all images or things in our lives that could take the place of God (verse 6)

5.Change our normal, sinful patterns and lifestyles (verse 7)

6.Destroy and re-own in Jesus Name, anything that can keep you in bondage (verse 8)

7.Remove any other offer (scarifies) or form of worship to any other god.  Worship only the One True GOD!  (verses10-12)

8.Break down and destroy any alters that might represent worship to something or someone else. (verse 12)

9.Make any form of worship unclean and unfit for use. Anything or anyone that could take away your worship to God. (verse 13)

10.Destroy any religious believes. (verse 14)

11.Totally destroy and dis-own anything connected to sin. (verse 15)

12.Destroy every thought to pass sin or connections, in our lives.  Don't go and visit the graves in our pass lives. (verse 16)

13.Come against anyone (or anything) who serves other gods (verses 19-20)

14.Destroy any other means of knowledge or wisdom for the future or the pass, like mediums/fortune tellers etc.,   Listen only to the Holy Spirit.(verse 24)

**** Bring back the Cross of Christ.  Jesus Christ is the only Pass Over Lamb, worthy to be worshipped. (Verses 21-23)  ****

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ELOHIM: The One Who is great, mighty, dreadful Creator. Always connected with Creation and angels.
JEHOVAH ELOHIM: man is connected to Jehovah Elohim
Where there is fellowship, covenant and sacrifices, He is Jehovah Elohim, where there is creation, He is Elohim

EL means great and glorious SHADDAI means Almighty nourishment, satisfaction and supplier. The One who is mighty to completely nourish, satisfy and supply us. When my flesh die, God can become my EL Shaddai.

ADONAI Master, Lordship on His part and stewardship and submission on our part.

JEHOVAH:  He is the Ever-living One, the only living One, the Self-existent One and self-sufficient One. He is dependent on no-one or nothing outside Himself. Jehovah is His covenant and character name.

Jehovah Jireh: (Gen.22:14) We first have to have a covenant relationship with El Shaddai then we will not have a problem to trust Jehovah Jireh, “I AM will provide” Jehovah Jireh means “the Lord provides” “One who sees to everything beforehand” God knows about all our needs before we mention it but want to see our dependency on Him.

Jehovah Rophe: Ex.15:26 This name was giving by God Himself. The Lord who heals you. Rophe means to heal, restore or cure. God didn’t promise to heal, He said “Healing is what I AM”

Jehovah Nissi: Ex.17:15 Amalek had stood in the path of God’s people and contested their right to go on. When we do Gods will the Amalekites will come and fight us, but Jehovah Nissi is and our Banner, Victory, Standard. I AM your banner, standard, victory. God is our banner and standard of Identity in Him and our flag of victory in battles. When the battle rages fiercely we are to stay with the “Standard”, Jehovah Nissi!

Jehovah M’Kaddesh: It follows the command on God’s part for our holiness. Lev.20:7-8, Ex 31:13, Lev.21:8, 22:9, 1 Pet.1:16 When God says I am Jehovah M’Kaddesh, the One who makes you Holy, then we need only to understand that what it really means is that I am set apart for Divine use. He lives in me and therefore I am 100% committed to Him and He will make me Holy. This term refers to sanctification. It was use for articles consecrated for the worship of Jehovah. Now we are the temples of God and God lives in this temple (my body) through His Holy Spirit. He is the one who makes my Holy. Sanctification: Gods cleansing process both character and conduct, belong to God.

Jehovah Shalom: Judges 6:24. God is peace. In times of trouble God not only give peace, He is Peace. The word Shalom means peace but also means full, complete, finished or perfected. Jehovah is our complete Peace, when we have peace in Him it is full, completed finished and perfected. Whatever brought the trouble, turmoil or war is now in His hands.

Jehovah Rohi: Ps 23:1 God is our Shepherd. No other name has the tender, intimate touch as does this one, His guidance is so perfect that we have no want. We are made to lie down in green pastures, we are led by waters that are still and untroubled. Our souls are restored, and we are led in righteous paths. When we walk through death’s dark valley it will by without fear. All of this in Ps.23 is because He is our Rohi, our Shephard. Rev.7:17 “For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their Shepherd, he will lead them to springs of living water, and God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes.” Praise the Lamb who is our Shepherd!

Jehovah Tsidkenu: The Lord our Righteousness. Jer.23:6, Jer.33:16. Tsidek means “to by stiff or straight” essentially it simply means to be right. Righteousness is straight and narrow. A pound is 16 ounces never 15 or 17. Gods measurements are exact. He requires righteousness. This name reveals that He becomes to us what He requires of us 1 Cor.1:31 “Christ is made unto us… Righteousness”. Praise Jehovah Tsidkeknu!

Jehovah Shammah: God is here, or God is there. Ez.48:35 the presence of God means everything. In the old testament, Gods presence was in the temple. When His Glory came down the priest couldn’t continue with their work. In 1 Cor.3:16 “Don’t you know that you yourselves are Gods temple and that Gods spirit lives in you?” 2Cor.6:16 “For we are the Temple of the living God. As God has said I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people” Jehovah Shammah is in us!


Here is an example of how to spend a good hour in the Lord's presence. (I like to write it down in my prayer book):

1. Praise:  Praise Him through the Psalms, highlight the praise-parts and read it out load as a praise unto Him. For example, Ps.8, Ps9:1-13; 16:1-11; 19:1-12;  all the way to Ps144:1-2; 145:1-21; 146:1-10; 147:1-20; 148:1-14; 149; 150:1-6

2. Worship: Worship Him through His Character Names

3. Cleansing time: Confess any sin or iniquity that comes into your mind

4. Thanksgiving. Give Him thanks for forgiving you, for your health and wealth, for protection, etc.

5. Petitions and supplications for others. Ask the Holy Spirit for at least 10 people to pray for and quiet your heart. Then, ask the Holy Spirit what to pray for, for that person. For example:

   *Mary's surgery, give the dr wisdom, protect her from infection.  Whatever comes in your mind.

   *Mark's job - close doors that needs to be closed.

   *Ann's son - protection, salvation

   * etc.

6. Petitions and supplications for yourself

7. Praise and Worship.  Always get back to honoring God.

8. Study or meditate on the Word of God.  Without meditating on Gods Word, we are spiritually starving ourselves. Joshua 1:8; Ps 119:15; and 97-99; Ps.1:1-3; Prov.4:20-22

What does Meditate means?  "To chew the cud"  If we take God's Word, one word at a time and chew/distract/meditate all the spiritual nutrients out of that word, we will hear and understand His will for our lives, we will be spiritually healthy and we will have God's Word in our hearts.  Here is an example of how to do it:

Ps119:105  "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path" (write everything that comes to your mind next to every word

Your:  not mine, someone specific, Your is speaking about God

Word:  what's spoken, what's in your heart, comes from God, not my word(thoughts)

is: present tense, definite, happening right now

lamp:  gives light, has a source that produce light, needs oil, I am a vessel of the Holy Spirit

my:  belongs to me, speaking about me

feet:  part of me, take me around, I can't move without my feet, take me to the right or wrong place

and: something else is added, not finish with the promise/thought/word

a: specific, one

light: to see clearly, no darkness, understanding

to: direction, specific place

my:  belongs to me,

path: the way, travelling, journey, clearing to walk or travel on

Now what does it all mean to me:  If I have God's word I will know how and where to go.



1. If my heart, hands and lips are not pure (Ps. 24:3, 4) Only when my heart, hands and lips are pure, will I ascend the hill of the Lord. Pure in your attitude and thoughts (heart). Clean in your walk and how you do things (hands). Pure in your talk (lips).

2. A lack of forgiveness (Matt.6:12, 14, 15; Mark 11:25-26; Eph.4:32; Col.3:13)
An irreconcilable attitude is one of the most common hindrances in prayer. When you have something against anyone, you block God’s ear from hearing you.

3. Inadequate study of the Word (1 Joh. 3:22; Joh.15:7)

4. A too-busy lifestyle (Luke 21:34-36; Matt.6:28-33; Hag.1:6,9) When we do not have time for prayer.

5. Unbelief and doubt
When we don’t believe (Matt.21:22) 
When we doubt (Jam.1:6-8)
When we don’t believe in the power of prayer (Mark 11:22, 24; Jam5:15-16)
When we don’t trust that God hears our prayers (Ps.145:18-19)

6. If we don’t seek God with our whole heart. (Deut.4:29; Jer.29:12-13)

7. A lack of a humble heart and attitude (Matt.6:5-7; Luke 18:11-12)

8. Selfish goals (James 4:3) Our highest motivation in prayer should always be to glorify the Lord like in John 14:13.

9. Unconfessed sin in our lives - those which are not always so obvious (Is.59:2, 12; Is.1:15-17)
* Do I pretend that I am better than others
* Is my holiness fake.
* Am I truthful in all my words and actions.
* Do I exaggerate
* Am I trustworthy
* Do I gossip
* Do I always complaining
* Am I jealous of other people’s accomplishments
* Am I pure in my thoughts
* Am I irritable
* Am I touchy
* Am I self-conscious
* Do I pity or protect myself
* Any form of Pride and Proud in my life
* Am I impatient
* Do I struggle with anger
* Do I fear anyone
* Am I world minded, care more what the world thinks about me than God
* Do I need to do restitution to anyone                                                                                                       * Did I steal from God: time, money, talents?
* Do I always confess Christ openly
* Do I spent enough time studying the Word of God and praying
* Do I spend intimate time with the Lord
* When I have a problem, do I use my tongue or my knees to solve it
* Do I have a compassion for lost souls
* Is the Lord Jesus still my first love

10. Idols in my heart (Ez.14:3-5) An idol is anything or any person that has a more important place than God in my heart.

11. A wrong relationship between husband and wife (1Pet.3:7)

12.Not having enough “alone time with God” “Go into your closet and shut the door”  (Luke 5:16; Is.26:20; Matt.6:6)
God, through His Holy Spirit cannot talk to a running and “always-on-the-go” person

13. A lack of discipline (Dan.6:11-12; Mark.1:35; Ps.5:14; Ps.55:17-18; Ps.63:2; Ps.88:14)

14. When your moral life doesn't line up with the Word of God  (1Cor. 15:33; Mark 7:20-23;  Gal. 5:16;  Ex.20:14; 1 Thes. 4:1-8; 1 Cor.6:18-20; Rom.1:18-24)


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