My name is Maryna Conway and I am living with my husband Mark of in Sterling, Alaska. 

I served for over 12 years with Operation Mobilization South Africa, as a missionary in Southern Africa, Logos II Ship ministry, and in Azerbaijan (one of the old Russian states which became a Muslim country).
I married Mark in 2000 and moved to Alaska where he lived. I’ve been working as a Direct Support Provider for mentally and physically disabled people since 2003 until present and I just love it.

Mark and I are born-again, Spirit-filled growing Christians. We believe The Trinity: God the Father - Jesus as our Savior - the Holy Spirit as our everyday guide. We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God AND we believe mountain moving prayer is:

“When man works, man works, BUT when man prays, God Works.”

God alone specializes in the impossible.

I am a Pray-er, an Intercessor, a War room type of woman. I believe in personal intercessory prayer, but I also believe there is a need to teach people about prayer and how to pray effectively, how to fast and pray and how to enter into the Holy of Holies. Not just to talk prayer, but to pray things through and to lead and facilitate prayer groups, locally, through the internet and to wherever God want us to serve.  We love to do prayer meetings, nights of prayer, half nights of prayer and day(s) of prayer and fasting. 

"Wash in His Blood" by Pieter Coffee and friends.

Please contact us for any prayer needs or help in your prayer group or Church prayer ministry.



1. How long were the disciples to wait in Jerusalem? (Luke24:49) Until they were clothed (equipped, filled) with power from on high.

2. How long did Moses keep his hands raised to God in prayer? (Ex.17:11-13) Until Amalek was totally defeated.

3. How long did Joshua hold his javelin toward Ai while the army attacked?   (Josh.8:26) Until Ai was destroy.

4. How long did Elijah stay on his knees after the 3 years of draught? (1 Kings.18:42-46)  Until a rain cloud as big as a man's hand formed in the sky.

5. How long did Jesus prayed in Gethsemane? (Luke.22:39-46)  Until Satan was defeated.

6. How long did Jacob wrestled with God?  (Gen.32:24-32)  Until he was blessed by the Lord.

We Believe:

  • The Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • That God the Father is our Heavenly Father to Who we call "Abba Father" Romans 8:15  (AMP) "For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading again to fear [of God’s judgment], but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons [the Spirit producing sonship] by which we [joyfully] cry, Abba! Father! 
  • That Jesus Christ came to earth to die on the cross in our place, for our sin, to redeem us from eternal death.  Romans 6:23  (NLT) "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord."    Because of His act of love, we can be sure of Eternal Life.   John 1:12  (NLT) "But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God."
  • We believe in the Holy Spirit as our Guide, our Comforter, The Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, The Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord (Is.11:2)


  1. To have a personal prayer life, to intercede for whoever The Holy Spirit sends to us or puts on our hearts.
  2. To mobilize prayer groups/meetings.
  3. To teach the Church about prayer and how to intercede.
  4. To teach on the End Time Days at

You raise me up - Sela:

Please contact us with your prayer needs

End Time Days Prayer,  P.O.Box 2441,  Soldotna AK 99669

OR use the contact form


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